The Integrity Commissioner is an independent and impartial position reporting directly to Council.

The Integrity Commissioner carries out the following core functions:

Advisory Role

The Integrity Commissioner provides confidential written and oral advice to the Mayor, Councillors and Local Board appointees about their own situations respecting the Code of Conduct for Members of Council and Local Boards and other by-laws, policies and procedures governing ethical behavior, including general advice about the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.

The Integrity Commissioner also provides opinions and reports to Council and Local Boards, on issues of ethics and integrity.

Investigative Role

Should the Integrity Commissioner find a contravention, he can recommend various penalties for imposition by Council. The available penalties range from suspension of remuneration to a reprimand or apology.

Educational Role

The Integrity Commissioner is responsible for providing educational programs to members of Council and Local Boards.

Who can Make a Complaint?
Any person who has reasonable and probable grounds to believe that a Member of Council of the Municipality of Casselman has contravened the Council Code of Conduct can make a complaint to the Integrity Commissioner.

How to Make a Complaint?
A complaint must be submitted on the established Formal Complaint Form located below. The Form may be printed from the website or obtained from the clerk's Office.

A complaint must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked “private and confidential” with the 300$ no refundable fee.

A complaint must be submitted by one of the following two options :
by mail to:

Municipality of Casselman
Administration Office
Attention: Clerk
751 St-Jean, K0A 1M0
Casselman, ON


in person to: Clerk
613-764-3139 x 260  [email protected]
751 St-Jean, K0A 1M0
Casselman, ON

Important: In order to preserve confidentiality, please ask the Receptionist to speak with the Clerk, without mentioning the nature of the complaint. The complaint filed with the Clerk will be forwarded to the Integrity Commissioner without delay and without added comments.

Bylaw 2024-008 (Consolidated Council and Local Boards Members Code of Conduct)

Bylaw 2019-037 (Complaint protocol related to Council Code of Conduct and complaint form)

Official Complaint Forms

For further information or to file a complaint, please contact de Clerk's office at 613-764-3139 ext. 260.